

Thursday, September 29, 2011

I'm going NaNoWriMo!

Quick side note: Many of you do not know this, but I have already finish a story of novel length.
I know, I know - you must be like, what's up Kris?

Well the reason is that most do not know about it, mainly because it's my "practice" novel. I wanted to test the waters to see if I really could do a novel. At currently at about 70,000 words in about 3 months, I think I can do it. 

I plan to put up the novel on here (look to the top tab "Second Wind"), however, there is a few caveats that I need to say. This is really to a particular audience that I created this story.

If you have never divulged into the world of Harry Potter, or have not read the last Harry Potter book,

Then I think you would be rather lost. BUT if you have done the two above things, and are interested in how I create my craft, then please do read and leave comments. I'd love to hear from you.

But back to the original topic at head - NANOWRIMO!

NaNoWriMo is short for National Novel Writing Month. The goal is to complete an entire 50,000 word novel within the month of November. All for the grand prize - the fact that you completed an entire novel in 30 days. I am so excited at the prospect of sleepless night, gorging coffee and absolute chaos of words, characters and plots.

It'll be just like college! :)

Anyway I have two great ideas for novels that I have been dancing around in my head and I would like some input on which one to go with. I have a particular favorite but I want to create something that genuinely creates interest. Look out for the first two chapters of the ideas within the next couple of days.

Because, of course, the ultimate goal is this: 

So wild, so crazy, so ready!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fantastic dress Moment

I just have to highlight the fantastic dress Ms. Eva Longoria showcased as the Globes. Fierce!!!
Check out the back!

Imagine your heroine in a number like this! Watch out now!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Experiencing Life = Stories

These past five days I learned something great. You ready? awesome.

You could be saying, "wow, are you just learning this now? How is this blog worthy?"

Well, hold your horses and I'll tell you.

I have always enjoyed watching sports but never really took the opportunity to be a spectator in the bleachers so to say. So I made the conscious effort to be in the stands for a college football game and two Major League baseball games these past five days. It also included going out and meeting people.

And it was friggin' electric! I mean just being there with the crowd, singing and dancing. Having beer with your friends. Yelling at the referee or umpire for dumb calls. Yelling at the players for their stupidity. That's just a good time, that's enjoy your life. And you get to meet people. For instance, just yesterday I got the privilege of making on the Fenway Park jumbotron twice and upon leaving the park I was immediately recognized. There you go - new friends, another story.

But the more thought-provoking point is about the story that I have now. Sometimes we failed to remember that we are characters in this story called life. And so many times we simply watch others experience life for what it could be instead of doing it ourselves.

That's not interesting. That's not captivating. No one wants to hear that kind of story.

People want to hear about the crazy time you did this. Or that amazing time you had there. Or just to hear about the people you meet. You may not even realize this but your life really is a novel. It is a novel you will be telling your kids and grandkids about. I think we can all agree the whole "I walked 5 miles in the snow barefoot" bit is outplayed. Be the character you want to read about. Be the character where people get involved in and say "Wow, what else happened?"

This new revelation just boggles me and I have such a new appreciation for life. So I'm making my life story as interesting as the characters that I create.

I think I owe to myself.

Don't you?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Redemption - Good Story Theme?

One of the greatest and heart-felt stories you ever read about are the down and out for the count characters who make a miraculous comeback. The prodigal son, so to speak. And even if you were to completely disagree with their previous actions or if what they have said or done, at the comeback you want nothing more to applaud and shout "Welcome Back!"

In every story, a character can't be perfect. They just can't. That's not real. You can't relate to a perfect character. Even the tall, dark, handsome character who ladies swoon over has some sort of sordid past. The only question in creating characters like that is how far can you go? How far can you bring your character down before they come off villainous or just plain out evil?

Here's a real life example - Whitney Houston. The reason I bring her up is because I just recently found a video of her performing of at the BET Celebration of Gospel.

It truly is a great video. The emotion fills the room as they watched this beautiful singer who had been pretty much written off as a lost cause by most people rose beyond expectations and was able to find her voice again (literally and figuratively). That is a wonderful story - when you think where she has been and where she has come from!

Then there are those who have just gone too far. Absolutely deplorable acts that can't be forgiven.

What do you do to make you unforgivable? Murder? Even those who kill can be forgiven. Kill multiple times? Sell drugs?

Very interesting thought - I'd love to hear what you think. How far can you go before you can't come back? Shouldn't everyone be able to make a come back?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Today's Atypical Music: Bastille Day

I am  all about breaking the norm. Reaching new heights. Not being so...typical. I think Today's Atypical Music choice definitely highlights that.

Beautiful, just breathtakingly beautiful. The swells of the music, the romantic notes of the violin and the intermingling of the orchestra. How does this not reach you? I can think of so many different scenes that could play out to this particular song.

As a writer, you want to create something like this. Where your readers literally fall in love with the scene, the characters. That their hearts swell with emotion and get so caught up in the character's turmoil, anger or bliss.

Everytime I hear this song, I can feel every emotion imaginable. I want to do that with my characters. With my stories. With my novels. feels like a tall order. But I think the more that I listen to music like this and transfer the feelings of the song into my characters, it won't as difficult as I imagine.

I hope that I opened your eyes to some atypical music. Maybe you should ask yourself - does the music you currently listen to doing anything for you? Shouldn't it be more than just beats, or even words?

What do you think? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this song.

Enough of my prattle and romanticism :) Enjoy you day!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I Want My Kisses Back Blog

An interesting post about courtship in America. It got me to thinking... is this the reason why sometimes romantic books and movies are so appealing to women?

Because the men that are created on the page and screen are nothing like the men that we see in our immediate world?

As an author, I have to truly understand what do possible readers want to read about? Are they looking for the ideal man? Or for male readers, the ideal woman?

Ideal - isn't that a bit boring though? Where's the drama? Where's the excitement in that?

I guess this is where the two ideas -Courtship/Idealism vs. The Real come apart. As a woman, I absolutely believe that courtship should be a vehicle where a man and woman come together with respect (for each other) come into play.

As an author, I need my characters to have depth. To have that possibility of idealism but unable to fully achieve it because of a fatal flaw, or just many small flaws.

The blog is an interesting piece and I am interested in what other topics will be discussed. I can't wait to juxtapose to whether it is realistic in the real world and in the fiction world.

I Want My Kisses Back: Courtship is dying………no maybe it’s dead:???

Monday, September 5, 2011

Today's Music: Stay With Me, Baby

So I am obsessed with music. Music is the doorway to my imagination and inspiration. So I thought I would begin to share with you what brings out the author in me.

For instance, whenever I'm on my music binge, I run through YouTube and let the "Suggestions" do the walking for me. So when I came across the 2007 Mary J. Blige performance of "Be Without You/Stay With Me, Baby" (slight pitchy, mind you, but good nonetheless) my fingers led me to the Ruby Turner version of "Stay With Me, Baby."

Just comparing the singers, you can still sense the desperation to keep their love beside them. What would that look like? A proud woman begging her lover to consider her feelings? Pride doesn't matter - just them.

 Then of course my imagination went off and POOF -  a new scene for my fic I'm working on!

Sigh...I love music...So I'll let you into my eclectic taste. Maybe it will inspire you :)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Being Family?

Last Saturday I was out with a friend, coming back from a Sox game, when I inadvertently let out that I need to go home and catch up on writing. Of course, since he has never heard about me writing, on came the questions:

"You're writing?"

"What are you writing about?"

"Can I read what you are writing?"

You can image my absolute happiness at his asking to read my work....Uh NOT! Are you Kidding ME?!

Of course I told him I would send him a copy when inside I was freaking out! And I am going to explain to you why.

Any budding author wants exposure. Wants the ability to give others a piece of their work and have it sought after. That's how you become known, that's how you become established. And if it had been anyone else, without a face, without a true connection to myself, I would have shrugged and said, "Sure I'll send you a copy ASAP and tell me what you think."

However, this is someone I know. Someone who I would take seriously if they had anything to say about my work. It is someone who I have a regular relationship with. Do you realize how particularly scary that can be? Writing is a bit like bearing your soul - your imagination coming to life on pages. It is a transcript of how you essentially see things or could potentially see things.

They say that the people who have the most power over your actions, whatever they may be, aren't really those within the field of work but your family and friends.

Even now, as my parents watch me write or ask me what I am doing and I respond with a resounding, "writing," I wait on baited breath for some discouraging word. It may seem silly that I wonder about what is travelling through their minds as they see their daughter engrossed in the world of fiction rather than in realm of law. But I think this is battle every author has to get through.

I know they'll be times where I may write something and think that it is a masterpiece and friends/family may not. I know they'll be times where I may want them fawning over some accomplishment like writing a full novel and I may only get a pat on the back.

It is going to happen. And I can't crumble because of it.


Because I am a writer. Plain and simple. Critics including friends/family will come and go, but I have to live with myself. In the long run, this will be one of many heart-clenching moments where I ultimately fear the possible rejection. But rejection isn't the end of the world. Not writing however ....would be the end of MY world.

So I will send my friend my work....well not until I run through it about 5-6 times more, bind it together into utter perfection.

Then I will send it to him!