

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Do You Choose the Smoothest Course?

I am an avid fan of Disney movies and enjoy bringing them to real life situations (see And It Starts....You Think You Know a Guy...) Today's focus is Pocahontas. You remember that particular scene where she is in her canoe and has to decide what path to take? "Should I choose the smoothest course, steady as the beating drum?" There are two choices: choose the steady path or choose this winding and rocky path.

And as the movie continues we know she chooses the rocky path to John Smith, finding love to John getting shot to being sent away. Ok, yeah we know. Epic but slightly tragic ending.

But what if she had chosen the steady path?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I Wanna Go Up the Stairs!

Ever worked at something so hard, like sweat dripping down your face, teeth-gritting determined? And you keep pushing towards the finish line that when you finally do, it takes you by surprise? Even though it’s what you been what you’ve been working towards after so long?

My readers, as of Sunday February 19 at 9:45pm EST, I finished the first draft of my first novel. I crossed my (first) finish line.

EEEEEEKKKKK! (enter humongo grin here)

At first I didn’t know what exactly to feel. At first it was a definitely sigh of relief. Popped open a bottle of moscato and went to town! But as the elation passes, I began to think….Ok what is next?

And here is where I think many people begin to falter. Picture this: you are a toddler and you desperately want to climb to the top of the stairs. And that first step is so huge and you put so much time, effort and energy into getting up on the first step that when you do, you are elated beyond measure. You giggle, you clap your hands, you drool from excitement.

But then you look up and you see the other nine steps that you have to conquer. And it seems much higher than you remembered when you were at the bottom of the stairs! People say taking the first step is the hardest. I think continuing to keep going up the next several steps is even harder. Because it’s keeping the momentum, not letting the daunting task before you push back into stepping back down.

While I have finished the first massive step of completing my first draft comes the daunting task of going through the skeleton, putting meat and girth on, taking out the fat and keeping it lean. I would not be truthful if I said that I wasn’t sure of my abilities.

BUT….(there is always a but!)

I see my toy at the top of the stairs. It is my prized toy that I enjoy and love and desperately want. More than these inky stairs can keep me from it. And even though there are challenges on the way (losing my balance, getting distracted, seeing a so-so toy at the bottom I could have played with), I want my favorite toy.

I want my name on the New York Bestsellers List. It is mine for the taking. And take it I shall do!

In every adventure, we are all like a toddler, taking first steps to some unknown territory. And we are scared, elated, petrified, excited and downright crazy. But think about how you’ll feel when you look back to the many steps that you have taken! How you’ll gurgle with delight at your accomplishment and how you can’t wait to hear that shout of praise from Mommy or some big person  that says “wow, look at what you did!”

I for one can’t wait to see how far I can step up. One thing is for sure, my aim is the top of the stairs.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday Music: Someone Like You

"Someone Like You" is my favorite Adele song by far. Mainly because it really epitomizes what I was discussing on Monday. You can go through the worst break up of your life or the most crushing thing to your spirit AND still you can come through it with someone or something better. Here's my favorite part of the lyrics:

Nothing compares
No worries or cares
Regrets and mistakes
They are memories made.
Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste?

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you
Don't forget me, I beg
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead.

MOST of the time, it is much much much better than the last.

Isn't it funny how we think we know what we want and but when we get it, it's not at all what we expected? And when its gone, something we NEVER even thought of comes along and absolutely blows your mind?

Oh the drama of real life...its just as good as the drama we write about!

Anyway enjoy the it in the background and think of a time where you thought you were down and out of the count, but through inner strength and help you were able to rise up from the ashes. Maybe its a story you could share that could help someone else. Or just write about it like I do :)

Also I'd be remiss if I didn't pay some tribute to Whitney Houston, a singer who made me want to sing since I was 7 years old. Eternally free from her shackles, may you rest in peace Whitney...

Monday, February 13, 2012

You Got Moves Like Adele, No Joke!

With the recent shock wave reverberating with the death of Whitney Houston (not ready to talk about it), it was a breath of fresh air to see Adele win a rocking 6 Grammys last night. Such a talent was able to really shine through, all because of a “rubbish” relationship that left her for dead. Not physically, but it rocked her enough that friends and family prodded her to pick up the pieces of her heart. 

In her adversity and pain, she put it all out on paper. Everything. Every emotion, every pit of anger, resentment, depression, and sadness. But the last song on her 21 album, Someone Like You, is my personal favorite because it is evidence of her realization that she can do better. That she is using her angst brought on by her ex-boyfriend for her benefit. To show him and the world – I am better than this. I am Adele, doggone it and I am so over you.

Don’t you think the ex-boyfriend is piss mad somewhere? :) Stupid wanker...(hehehe wanker..)

But I think it’s a lesson that we can all learn from. We all fall. We are human. To err is to be human. But it is in the face of adversity and how you deal with it that defines you. For Adele, to overcome her pain she wrote songs. It was her release. And it is possible that the pain wasn’t immediately gone. But it was process.  But the theme of the 21 album was I am better than this.

Trust me, family. I am not sitting from a lofty high chair looking down and just giving running commentary about things. I have enough scrapped knees, bruises and knocks to the head to show you how human I am. But this is me dealing with adversity.

For me, writing has been an immense release. When I was going through a particular hard struggle of trying to figure out I was doing with my life, writing became my anchor. My escapism and my coping mechanism. I write about characters that have great struggles and need to find their way. And what is great about it is that they eventually find what they are looking for!  And I thank God every day for giving me something that can show me that no matter what happens, things will get better!

And even though I am now in a pretty good period in my life, I still hold on my struggles and writing and appreciate it all the more. Because I hope one day that my writing, my stories will be an escape for someone else who just needs a break from their lives.

Whatever you chose to do or have, it is important to remember to it should uplift you, not destroy you. If your anchor has the potential to bring you to another devastating situation, it is not an anchor. You are still floating towards the proverbial black hole. Find something rooted within yourself that can allow you to stand when the garbage is being chucked at you. But you do have moves like Adele J. Everyone does.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday's Music: I'm Great, Wanna Fight About It?

In the spirit of my last blog entry about Haterade Drinkers (if you missed that, check it out here), I been playing some great "I'm Great, Wanna Fight About It?" music. You know, "Eye of the Tiger," "We Will Rock You," "I've Got the Power," and others. Just songs that remind you that you are fantastic, marvelous and just plain a fighter (or scrapper, you pick! If you want a good list you can check out this site. They got some good ones!).

But then one that I gets me so amped(!) is Nicki Minaj's "Moment 4 Life."

Her lyrics pretty much sums up what I'm feeling or least what I will be feeling once I get this novel and/or series published. Remember speak your goals into existence! Don't let anyone or anything including yourself bring you  down from what excites you the most. Sometimes we are our worst critic and you need to beef yourserlf up with good energy and people around you will lift you up. You have a glorious purpose in life - find it and own it. And if something makes you delirious happy, excited and all about ready to jump for joy, you don't need to ask yourself "What am I supposed to do?" You are already found it. 

The question you should be asking yourself is "Am I ready to go for it? No matter what the cost?"

And your answer of course will be a resounding YES! :) If you ever need a pep-talk or just something uplifting to get you out of your funk, email me at kjcristina711 at gmail dot com. Sometimes you need that - a cheerleader in your corner!

Ok, Ok. Enough of this - let's pump the jam up!

And some more for your viewing pleasure.... Eye of the Tiger! I always get ready to fight and throw some punches at any "anti-MEs!" (Blame Rocky for that one)

Until next time! Stay pumped!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wed's Prompt: Take It to the Floor, Fool!

Here's something to get the ol' imagination running this morning!

After getting into an argument with another patron at a local bar, the person challenges you to a fight out back. Because you’ve never been in a fight before (and don’t want this to be your first time), you come up with a more creative way to settle your dispute.

First thought I had....break dance!

If you could do this, wouldn't you be able to say....And what, punk? Say something!

What would be your way to get out of a fight?

Monday, February 6, 2012

A Letter to my "Haterade Drinkers"

Have you ever had someone be so constantly negative in your life? They are what I like to call "Haterade Drinker."  What is Haterade? It's something that they are drinking that causes them to burp up unnecessary and destructive things.
I mean things could be going so well for you and you could be on top of the world, but a “Haterade Drinker” will come out of the blue and take the wind out of sails? It is especially difficult if you are close to the alleged "Haterade Drinker"  - you have enough curses to say to them that it would make a sailor blush. But out of respect, you don’t. You swallow your anger and you try to keep it moving.

WELL NO MORE. Everyone has ONE “Haterade Drinker” in their life. And it is time to take a stand and say what is on your mind. And it's time to stop wasting energy on them!

To all my fellow writers, authors, wordsmith, whatever…I am sure you have come across this at least at one point in your writing profession. And if you are like me where you have a day job but turn to writing, I’m sure you have had someone say something negative about you seeking something outside of your job.

I have thought of a solution for all of you! I have penned a nice little letter to those “Haterade Drinkers.” Feel free to use it as you like and adapt to your situation. Here we go. (ahem ahem)

Dear Haterade Drinker(s):

I hope this letter find you well. Because I am about to bring you down a notch. I may not know you personally. Or maybe I do. It is hard to tell nowadays with your unsavory comments. And it’s very clear that you know nothing about me. Your constant tearing down and lashing words to my desired profession is not needed or wanted. If you did know me, you would understand that this makes me happy. Even if I may groan and whine about it, it is a joy to me. Just as it appears to be a joy for you to have vicious and disgusting words of degradation drip out of your mouth like a slobbering mangy dog.

So here’s what we are going to do. I am tired of your mouth and since I can’t put a muzzle on you like I would like, we are going to meet in the middle. You are going to keep your low self-esteem comments that you clearly are projecting on me to yourself and I will a) not beat your face in (a clear and current frontrunner); b) not slap a restraining order on you; and c) continue to treat you like a human being that I can tolerate.

Now if we are friends, I value our friendship enough to write this letter to you. If I didn’t, I would have said the hell with you, would’ve have told you to kick rocks and said peace out. But again, the threats to wring your neck are not meant to be hurtful (emotionally) but it’s because I care. So again, let us meet in the middle and I promise I won’t create a character in my next book (yes, there will be another book) where they uncannily look like you and die a vicious death.

I hope I have brought enough thought nuggets for you to munch on. If you have any constructive things to say, I am all ears. But until then, SHUT IT DOWN. I have things to do!

All the best,
(your name)

I hope that this helps you in some way or another. Or if you just get a kick out of it, that’s great too! But let me know, especially to my fellow writers, do you have a “haterade drinker” in your midst? How do you deal with them?

‘Til next time!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday's Music: Beautiful and Eternal Soundtrack!

So with any imaginative design or idea, you wonder what it would look like in real life. It's not any different with a novel. The real life would be a movie :). Trust me, I've had a full-on list of who I would list as my leading man and lady (that's for another day). BUT, with any movie, the soundtrack is crucial as well. Which brings me to today's music - I've picked two because I can't really decide which one I like better. I could save one for next week...but I'm impatient....So enjoy two!

1) Chris Brown's Beautiful People - I chose this because I see this in one of two ways. There is a particular scene that I have my leading man and lady go out into Boston's nightlife. For some reason I see this playing in the background during some dialogue. The second being at the end of the movie, where the story is coming to an end (or is it? MWHAHA) and it kinda fades out on this happy optimistic note.

2) William Joseph's Within - Now this pick is a little outside of what you would know (but if you do know it, 50 billion brownie points for you!). Your soundtrack has to be able to convey a mood. A emotion to going along with the drama and action that is being expounded. I picked this song because it conveys a sense of mischief but intrigue. Whimsical yet strong. It has a waltz-like tone to it but the percussion underneath it gives it a modern flair. I see this happening during a reactionary moment for my leading lady. Where she finally realizes something and just guns it! An awakening that is deep, scary and fulfilling at once.

Sorry, this post came out a bit longer than originally planned. But just as words can be a doorway to expression, music follows the same and familiar path. Listen to them and tell me what you think of my choices! Atypical? Strange?

What would your own personal soundtrack sound like?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wed's Prompt: Hot in Herre, Taking Clothes Off!

You come across a pack of matches that sets off a series of uncanny events. Start your story with “My mother always told me not to play with fire.” 

End it with “And that’s how I ended up in the middle of nowhere—naked.”
Post your response (500 words or fewer) in the comments below.
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