

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

When Your Dream Sends You Over the Proverbial Cliff


Have you ever had something sit, like literally sit on your heart, and you can't be divested from it? Not necessarily eating away at but just sitting there? Almost niggling away, reminding you of it?

I've been thinking about it hard. About my last conference with Muse 2012 (see When Your "Aha!" Becomes "Oh No" to "Hmm Ok"). Words are still ringing: I have an issue with the market - that it may not sell as well as I would like. That an agent or a publisher would be reluctant to pick it up and invest in it. And it is amazing that out of all the feedback one would get about how great your work is that the more disheartening one would stick the most.

It could be enough to send you back to hide with your dreams and bury them.

It could. As for me, I refuse to hide. I've worked too hard. So I jumping over the cliff!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday's Music: Summa Summa SummaTime!

Hey family, I haven't done a Friday's music post so with the sun shining and the birds chirping, I thought it was a good time as any to restart the fab tradition of going nuts on a Friday.

Now, I could make this about inspiration. I could make this about pulling part the lyrics of song and getting to the insightful way the lyricist portrays love and conflict. (Enter brooding face of concentration)

It's just not one of those days.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

When Your "Aha!" Becomes "Oh No" to "Hmm Ok"

Just this past weekend, I attended the Muse Boston Writing Conference and it was a great experience. I got to sit down with teachers, writers, agents, columnists, etc. The works to say the least. But...I should have known that congregating with such people would have worked my mind grapes to another level. So much that I have begun to question the novel that I had finished back in February.