

Friday, December 23, 2011

Writing Prompt: Grandma Said What??

You are dealing with a bout of insomnia due to a reoccurring nightmare that started two days after the loss of your grandmother. Suddenly, you see a ghost who claims to be her spirit. Her spirit orders you to take care of something she wasn’t able to before she passed. If you do, she’ll leave you alone. If you don’t, she’ll haunt you forever.

When I thought of this one, I thought grandma wanted me to get rid of her dirty secrets but I thought that was a bit much. Grandpa would have found it before I could have and kept it for himself.

What do you think? What is Grandma's secret? And let's hope it has nothing to do with Victoria's!

Or Freddy Kroger's for that matter!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Today's Laugh: Doctor...Who? :-)

I couldn't resist putting this up. I am in love with Doctor Who (David Tennant is bloody fantastic!) and Catherine Tate. One video combining the two.... Melt in your mouth, not in your hand bliss...

Feedback on this - fantastic :) or ehh :(?

Writing Prompt: Help Kill Your Pal's Wife

One of the websites that I visit quite often is Writer's Digest. And they have the best articles to browse through if you ever need an inspiration or to drop money on some book you think will lead you to success...

Anyway, about every other day they post up writing prompts to give you a leg up on starting up a story. I have a couple of favorites that I will post up from time to time.

Try this on for size and leave a comment on how you think you first couple of sentences would go:

A close friend asks you to help him kill his wife and, to his surprise, you agree without hesitation—not because you particularly dislike his wife, but because she’s the only person who knows this one deep, dark secret that could ruin your life forever. Write about how you confront her and how the murder plays out.

Have Fun!!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Today's Music: Random but Fun

Just a simple little diddle stuck in my it's stuck in yours too! Enjoy

Monday, December 12, 2011

Too Little, Too Late?; Writer's Conference in NYC

It has been about 12 days since "The Balancer" (working title for now) didn't make the cut for NaNoWriMo. Yes, yes, sad sad, blah blah.

Remember how my main lament was that the ideas just weren't coming? Well wouldn't you know, my Muse decided to come back from vacation and pop in and say, "Hey why not this?" or "That would be awesome if you did this?" or "THAT WOULD BE OF EPIC PROPORTIONS IF YOU DID THAT!!"

Yes, my muse screams when she gets excited. Doesn't yours?

But I am torn - I had wanted all this last month! When I was specifically carving out time to write and to flourish and get ready for January.

Oh, what's January you ask? Well in January, I will be attending my first Writer's Conference hosted by Writer's Digest. It is my chance to approach some 60 agents in hopes of getting great feedback and schmoozing and all that jazz.

So here's the dilemma. How can I approach any agent without anything to show for? Sure, I know what exactly I am going to write but I DO NOT want the conversation to go like this?

Me:....(just finished explanation/pitch). What do you think?

Agent: That sounds like a fantastic series. I can definitely see the marketability and I would love to get a read through. Is it ready?

Me: Ugh...well about's not quite there yet.

Agent: What's not quite there?

Me:.....Like major revisions not quite there yet.


(Both Charlie Brown depictions do justice as to what I would be feeling).

So it seems that I am amidst another scramble to finish (or at least 75% ) Book 1. I want more than anything to ensure that my money is being well spent for this conference.

So let's see what we can do! Novel in Month, Take 2!


Anyone attending this conference? January 20-22 at the Sheraton New York Hotel! I'd love to hear from anyone attending. I'm going solo but wouldn't mind a buddy! Let me know!