

Sunday, August 21, 2011

What to come up with?

What to come up with?

Inspiration. Such a fleeting thing. There are times when things are coming out of nowhere, idea after idea and you don't have the energy or the time to write down everything you've been given from up above.
Then other times, you are drier than Sahara Desert. You got zilch. Nada. Zip. Zero.

Can you guess where I am right now?

Some background is in order. I've been writing this story for about several months now. Nothing for publication, it's simply to get my feet wet and see if I could write something of novel length. And so far I'm at just about the 60,000 word mark (fantastic!). I've even posted it online and gotten some followers/readers, ever ready for the next chapter.

But now it seems like I've hit a dead end. I know where I need to be at the end of the story. But I've lost transition. It's like I've lost my mojo. Like Dr. Evil and Mini-me left me to rot by myself.

Then I began to ask myself, where can I get some mojo? Maybe a trip is in order. ...Yea that just ended up with me going out around Cape Cod and leaving ideas back at the cottage.

Maybe reading other materials, stories, or the like will pull out my inner editor out. ...Yea that just ended up with me enjoying the stories and the editor taking a fiesta.

Now I'm about a couple of days late with my next installation with nothing and grumbling in the shower to myself, when BAM! it hits me. Well it was more like tangent into tangent into another tangent, but then BAM it hit me!

Finally know where to go! Thinking on it now, I've had my first writer's block. Kind of a milestone I guess. I've never had something frustrate me to no end but couldn't be abandoned for something else either. My story (which I might put up here at one point or another) has become a friend in a sense. All the characters have "lives" and they deserve an ending.

I guess this bout of writer's block was to show me persistence is going to be key in getting what I want out of this.

So, I'll raise a toast to writer's block: May you visit periodically but leave quickly.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

OK! ...Where Do We Go From Here?

One of the most amazing things that we have been blessed with on this earth is imagination. The ability to think and see things beyond your immediate realm. To take leaps and bounds beyond any limitation your body may have. To push past barriers others may have placed in front of you. I thank God everyday that I am such an airhead. Airhead in the most endearing way of course. Take me anywhere and I am already somewhere else. However... sometimes it can take us places we might have wanted to go. Kinda like the unnecessary stop to Kansas on a flight to Hawaii. Let me explain...

As I have said before, I am an avid reader of fiction. I've pretty much have touched every genre there is. Romance, sci-fi, supernatural, fantasy, action, suspense...the list could go on forever. And I see myself tapping into about everything. I am brimming with ideas that are screaming, Take me there! I want to go first! I'm the best!.

But for someone who initially didn't make it their life goal to be a published writer, the question that needs to be asked. Ok, you have ideas. Now what?

I may not know what exactly to do, but something tells I should just start writing. Plan, outline and write.

But I'm a lawyer, and that seemed to be too easy to be true. Let's do some research first, shall we? Research I can definitely do. Before I knew it, I was bombarded with books on How to Write Fiction, Fiction for Dummies, So You Want to Write a Novel, and whatever laffy-taffy title you could think of. Then I learned that no one will take you seriously until you've had some publishing underneath your belt...Does writing for law review count? No?...Ok...The research continued...who would give a nobody a chance to write? What do they want to read? Are my ideas any good for this? What in blazes do I have to create?...THEN it hit me.

I'm in Dungeons and Dragons. 

Before I lose you, hear me out. From what I know of the game (which isn't much), from the very beginning, you hit these doors or quests and have to make choices as to where you will go. Where you begin will dictate where you end up. I don't whether the creators of D&D meant this but it's actually pretty philosophical. Choices you make dictate how you end your journey. But I think the most crippling thing is harboring on whether you are choosing the right door. The point should be JUST GO! No matter what the door may be, you need to move forward. 

So that's me. Here I am, in the whatever eflin costume (with pointy ears), and I am just staring at the door because I don't know what is the best way to get in. For a moment, I forgot who I was. I am me, doggone it! I'll kick in whatever door that's in front of me if I want to finish and get publish! I might have the "author-baddies" tell me wrong way or have "fire-breathing agent-dragons" telling me I'm stupid (liking the analogies?).

But no matter what, I'm just going to get in, my way with my thoughts. 

So I'm just going to start writing. My ideas are calling to me. It's about time I answered them.

Monday, August 8, 2011

And It Starts...You Think You Know a Guy...

A line from one of my favorite Disney movies, the Lion King. It's the part where Timon and Pumba walk away in shock after Simba sends them away to discuss with Nala kingdom matters. Believing that they knew everything about Simba, to be sent on the merry way was enough for them to start questioning, who is this guy? I mean sure we've lived with him for god knows how long, but do we really know him?

Can you believe it I am my own Timon? To think I actually I want to write a novel. Not just any old novel or one novel but several novels! It's amazing when you finally start clearing the clutter in front of your eyes that you begin to see what really makes you tick. What really makes you smile. What really makes places you in that utter bliss.

For me, it has become writing. Or is this really a recent occurrence?

Since I can remember, I have had the most torrid love affair with books. Fiction. The stories that can take you from your mundane existence to different worlds. Worlds you were taught never existed and never would. Worlds and characters that only existed in dreamlike fantasies. Characters you wished from the deepest parts of your soul could be in front of you and interact with you. Everything the real world told you became non-existent with the story before. That story was the only truth you needed.

Some of the best afternoons and nights I have had have been with a toe-curling, gut-wrenching, breathtaking, eyes-popping book.

Sure, it sounds like something completely orgasmic, but a GOOD book can do that. Imagine the imagery words can illicit. The feelings that can swell in your heart. The sense of justice that can take root in your mind. That's what a good book can do. Turn your entire world upside down.

Is it amazing that people get to do that everyday? That people can draw up the power of fiction writing and change mindsets, change lives? Can you believe that simply with words, someone's life can be turned for the better? Get you to smile? Make you laugh or cry?

That, my friends, is my love affair with fiction. It constantly kneads my heart, massages my soul and enlightens my mind. It feeds my desires and enraptures my attention from beginning to end. And the best part? It happens over and over again with each book. Each book comes its own experience, its own passion, its own joy.

Again, I've always been the avid reader. My imagination knows no bounds and I have finally realized that I can't be alone feeling the way I do. Why not impart my passion to others who love to have the same experience I do?

So it starts...The "no-nonsense fact" lawyer by day becomes the fantasty-romance-suspense budding author by night.

Hmmm....You think you know a Girl...